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Principal Investigator

Ajay Singh Panwar

Email: panwar[AT]



Ph.D. Students

Prerna Bansal

Project: Graphene polymer nanohybrid systems and their applications

Email: prerna.bansal[AT]


Rama Prasad

Project: Polymer-Carbon Nanotube multilayer thin film composites

Email: prasad_r[AT]


Sourav Ray

Project: Amyloidogenicity amd lipid iteraction of antimicrobial anuran peptides.

Email: souravray[AT]



Project: Crystallization of PP beta phase crystals

Email: raghurame[AT]


R. Ajay Kumar

Project: Radiation Damage in Zirconium: A Microstructural Perspective

Email: ajay.jntu84[AT]



Nabaneeta Mukhopadhyay

Project: Rheological studies of polymer   nanocomposites

Email: nabaneeta85[AT]


Masters Students

Ram Vivek

Project: MD simulation of polymer and carbon nanotube interactions in aqueous media

Email: ramviv92[AT]


Soumya Agarwal

Project: Simulation of polypeptide in nanopores

Email: samaga91[AT] 


Jayant Jain

Project: A study on the rheology of an Isotactic Polypropylene-based Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite

Email: jayant.jain135[AT] 


Manish Poddar

Project: Electrical and structural

characterization of CNTs/PSS thin films

Email: poddarmanish9[AT] 



Project: Simulation of Polymer Brushes Grafted Inside a Cylindrical Nanopore

Email: abhishek.loyolean[AT] 


Kanika Goyal

Project: Simulation of polypeptide in nanopores

Email: goyalkanika04[AT]


Undergraduate Students

Sonal Kumar

Project: MD simulations of carbon nanotubes in water



System Administrator

Tilak Raj




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Materials, IIT Bombay
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